Why the Enneagram

Different from an average personality assessment, the Enneagram is an archetypal framework that offers in-depth insight to individuals, groups and collectives. Consisting of three centers of intelligence, nine main Enneagram types, 18 wings, three subtypes and Triadic styles, the Enneagram offers a rich map to personal development.

It does not box people in, but rather opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness.

Is Enneagram coaching right for you?

Here’s what Becky thinks…

I have been using the Enneagram both professionally and personally for nearly 20 years.  I have found it to be by far, the most useful tool available for providing not only insight into our behavior, but a road map for growth and development that allows us the freedom to move in the world differently. Working with the Enneagram through coaching enhances all the relationships in our lives.  It increases our self-awareness, enhances our personal relationships and provides vast insight into how we function - and more importantly, could function - in the workplace.

So if you ask yourself questions like this….

  • Why do I seem to get in my own way so often?

  • Why do I keep repeating old patterns?

  • How can I create the changes I dream of for myself and my life?

Then the answer is absolutely, unequivocally YES.

The Enneagram is THE tool to unlock the patters of behavior getting in the way of your most abundant life.